Dog Stool Softener in Forms of Probiotics and Prebiotics to Be Constipation Free

Dog Stool Softener in Forms of Probiotics and Prebiotics to Be Constipation Free

In fact, dog stool softener can be a blessing for dog owners. Like humans, sometimes dogs also experience constipation, which makes them difficult to defecate. There are several ways you can do to overcome this problem. One way is to provide foods that contain stool softener in form of prebiotics or probiotics. Both have been tested clinically to be safe and effective for treating constipation in dogs.

For your information, probiotics and prebiotics are two different things, but they both have extraordinary functions. Currently, there are many dog ​​foods popping up with various brands and qualities. It is important to always pay attention to the composition in the dog’s food. The thing that needs to be considered is the quality of basic ingredients and the use of prebiotics and probiotics. These two ingredients have an important role of digestive and immune health system. It will be discussed below about the benefits of prebiotics and probiotics.



Probiotics are live microbes that are added to dog stool softener. These work by improving the dog’s digestive microbial balance. Microorganisms used as probiotics in dog nutrition are live microorganisms. When they administered in the mouth and along the digestive tract, they can have a positive effect on the dog’s health. Genus Bifidobacteria and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the example of microorganisms usually used as probiotics.

In addition, probiotics also overcome the problem of irritable bowel disease. In fact, gastrointestinal infections are usually characterized by diarrhea in dogs. Probiotics will help overcome the problem of gastrointestinal wounds by livening up the herd of good bacteria, so the can reduce the population of bad bacteria in the digestive tract.



The food ingredients which contain fibers can be considered as prebiotics. These enhance the digestive system through the growth stimulation and selective activity against several types of beneficial microbes in the digestion. Non-digestible carbohydrate prebiotics include lactulose, inulin, resistant starch, and a number of oligosaccharides, which can be a source of carbohydrates in digestive tract for good bacteria.

Moreover, oligosaccharides are the main components of prebiotics.  These can be an energy source and other limited nutrients for the intestinal mucosa and a substrate for cercal bacterial fermentation to produce vitamins and antioxidants. Prebiotics will also maintain a healthy digestive tract by helping to nourish the living bacteria. These act as soluble fiber of dog stool softener that helps the digestive system curing diarrhea or constipation.

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