Symptoms of Dog Tumors on Belly to Watch Out for the Dog Owners

Symptoms of Dog Tumors on Belly to Watch Out for the Dog Owners

Dog tumors on belly are somewhat common cases that happen. Belly tumors are the most common type of tumor found in older dogs. Just like in humans, tumor in dogs occurs when the immune system can’t stop the cells from replicating at a normal rate. These abnormally dividing cells then form a mass that’s located on stomach, known as a belly tumor. These abnormal cells growth is influenced by genetics and environmental factors, such as toxins, radiation, viruses, and hormones. The longer it goes on, the more suppressed the immune system will be, thus increasing the chance of your dog getting a belly tumor.

When stricken with certain diseases like tumors, they will find it difficult to show the owners they are in pain. Therefore, you must be sensitive to their behavior that could be a sign that they have a belly tumor. The following are some common symptoms which indicate this disease.


Nosebleeds and Fainting

Well, the common symptoms are fainting, fatigue, and not as interactive as usual, such as the loss of habit of waiting for the owner at the door. Besides, nosebleed in dogs is not a normal condition. In puppies, nosebleed indicates a foreign object in their nose. However, in older dogs, it may show the symptom of a tumor.


Weight Loss

Another symptom of dog tumors on belly is weight loss. Dogs with belly tumor usually lose their appetite, look tired all the time, and lose their weight. This means they are signaling to their owners that something is wrong with their body.


Body and Mouth Odor

If your dogs have excessive body odor, you need to be aware of the presence of tumors. In some cases, the extreme body odor is due to the presence of large numbers of tumor cells in the stomach. Belly tumor can cause bacterial growth many times higher, causing an extreme foul odor. In addition, bad breath also indicates belly tumor, especially if your dogs have difficulty swallowing food, bleeding in the mouth or gums, and loss of appetite.


Growing Lump

Dog lump right side abdomen or swelling under the skin of belly also indicates a tumor. If the lump is getting bigger and growing, it means there are living tumor cells. This is why veterinarians often ask the pet owners to keep an eye out for abnormal lumps in dogs after getting a biopsy in case the dog tumors on belly occur.


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